Our attention has been brought to a certain landlady who swindled unsuspecting potential tenants of over 16 million naira.
Their honest intention was to rent apartments in the compound, after payment at different times within a period of one month, the fake landlady who poses as an assistant to the main landlord of the house absconded with over 16 million Naira from over 65 person’s.
The main landlord has been arrested, he claimed not to be aware of the lady’s whereabout. She is currently on the run.
Read their report below:
This woman (in the picture) ADERONKE JEREMIAH OLALEYE, is wanted for fraud. She disguised as the landlady of a property in Gbagada, Lagos State and duped over 65 persons who unknowingly made payments of over 16million Naira (collective sum) to her for the same five apartments in the property.I
f found kindly report to the nearest police station.
Kindly share and rebroadcast until it gets to the Lagos state government and federal government of Nigeria as appropriate actions are not being taken even after victims reported the case to the authorities concerned.