The detergents we use today can cause your hands to look discolored, wrinkly, and rough.
Some women are always taking care of their face and other parts of their body leaving their palms and feet to look older than they really are.
It is equally important to spend more time pampering your palms and feet because they are very obvious part of your body.
Women, involved in house chores always have their hands looking discolored, wrinkly and rough due to the soaps and other cleaning products that use to make their homes sparkle.
Having hard palms can directly affect your love and social life very much. If you want soft palms close to that of a new baby, follow these steps.
Olive Oil And Sugar
Mix 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp olive oil in a bowl. Fetch some of the scrubs into your palm and rub your palm together.
Massage your fingers and hands with gentle squeezing and circular motions for about 30 seconds.
Then relax your palms and let the scrub sink in for another 30 seconds.
Wash out your hands with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
Baking Soda, Lemon And Honey
In a small container, mix 2 teaspoons each of lemon, honey and baking soda together all the ingredients evenly.
Now apply this mixture onto your hands, rubbing it through and massaging your hands for a minute.
Allow the mixture to sit on your hands for five to 10 minutes.
Wash your hands in warm water.
Do not use soap directly afterward. Repeat this process at least twice a week to remove discoloration and promote soft healthy-looking hands.
Petroleum jelly is a staple of many bathroom cabinets and one of the widely used moisturizers for newborn, youth and oldies.
Wash your hands with lukewarm water and coat your hands with Vaseline every night before you go to bed.
Egg Yolk, Honey, And Almonds
Egg yolk contains high amounts of Vitamin A, while almonds boost the Vitamin E content in your skin.
This mixture exfoliates, moisturizes and nourishes your hands, giving you those supple hands you deserve.
Add 1 tsp of honey, ½ tsp of crushed almonds and a hint of rose water to an egg yolk. Work them into a paste.
Massage your hands with this mixture for 10 minutes and let it stay for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.